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Dry FIP in Cats 2024: Understanding the Silent Threat & Taking Action

Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) comes in two primary forms: wet and dry. While wet FIP is characterized by noticeable fluid buildup, dry FIP often presents with subtler, more elusive symptoms. This makes early detection crucial for successful treatment. In this article, we'll explore the signs, diagnosis, and treatment options for dry FIP in Malaysia, empowering you to take action and potentially save your cat's life.

What is Dry FIP?

Similar to wet FIP, dry FIP results from a mutation of the feline coronavirus (FCoV). However, instead of fluid accumulation, dry FIP triggers widespread inflammation throughout the body, affecting various organs. This can lead to a range of non-specific symptoms that can be easily overlooked or misdiagnosed.

Symptoms of Dry FIP:

  • Persistent Fever: A fever that doesn't respond to antibiotics and lasts for weeks is a common sign.

  • Weight Loss and Loss of Appetite: Your cat may gradually lose weight and show disinterest in food.

  • Lethargy and Depression: Your cat may become less active, sleep more, and show less enthusiasm for play.

  • Ocular Symptoms: Inflammation in the eyes can cause cloudiness, vision problems, or even blindness.

  • Neurological Symptoms: In some cases, dry FIP affects the nervous system, leading to seizures, tremors, or difficulty walking.

  • Other Symptoms: Other possible signs include vomiting, diarrhea, jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes), and swollen lymph nodes.

Diagnosing Dry FIP:

Since dry FIP's symptoms can mimic other diseases, diagnosis requires a combination of thorough veterinary examination and specific tests:

  • Blood tests (CBC) To look for changes in blood cell counts, liver and kidney function, and protein levels (low albumin/globulin ratio).


Complete Blood Count Result

  • Fluid test​

    • FCoV/FIP Test kit

    • Lab test (RT-PCR)

Test Kit.webp

FCoV / FIP Test Kit


RT-PCR Result

  • Observation: Spot the neurological sign or ocular sign.

Treatment Options for Dry FIP in Malaysia:

While there's no cure for FIP, promising treatment options are available, offering hope for cats with dry FIP:

  • GS-441524: This antiviral medication has shown significant success in treating both wet and dry FIP. It's available in Malaysia through authorized distributors and veterinarians.

  • Supportive Care: Addressing symptoms and providing nutritional support is crucial for improving your cat's quality of life during treatment.

Emune GS-441524


Dry FIP presents a unique challenge due to its less obvious symptoms. However, vigilance and early intervention are key. If you notice any persistent or unusual changes in your cat's health, don't hesitate to consult your veterinarian. They can guide you through the diagnostic process and recommend the most appropriate treatment options in Malaysia.


Remember, while dry FIP can be difficult to detect, timely treatment with medications like GS-441524 can make a significant difference in your cat's prognosis and offer them a chance at a longer, happier life.

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